About me

I am blessed to be a wife to a wonderful husband that can fix, build or put together anything. Not only is he the handiest of all men but he is the best dad a kid could ask for! Being a mom to such a sweet and silly toddler has been the biggest blessing and challenge. She teaches me patience and shows me the joy and curiosity in the little things of life. And now we have a beautiful new baby in our life, Reina. She is the perfect addition to our little family.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Climbing, Painting and Playing. Someone is Busy!

In the past month Lexi has completely turned into a toddler. The little baby is gone and a wild, fun-loving adventurous toddler is here!! How did this happen?! We definitely are sad to see the baby days are over but we are having a blast with this funny little person.
One of her new abilities is climbing. I find this girl everywhere and on top of everything!
We got her this green step stool a few months ago and now she has discovered the joy of carrying it around the house and using it to get to things.

Kind of a dangerous climb...

Come on Wy-Wy (her way to say Wilder) get up here!
Help,  I don't know how...

Two pictures I wish I had of her climbing.
1.) She got a See-saw from Sharon for Christmas, it has 3 seats she was playing in the backyard while I was in the kitchen. I look out and find her standing on 1 of the seats with the See-saw all the way tilted and she is rocking back and forth to stay balanced. I was scared to yell or even take a picture and risk startling her and falling. But it was amazing to see her balancing ability at the height.
2.) She had climbed on to the coffee table which is now stored in the guest room to allow more play space in the living room. She was standing on top of that pulling heavy books off the book shelf. That moment was a little scarier than entertaining but needless to say climbing is a new skill she is mastering.

Frank thought it would be funny to get Lex to hold up her shirt and say, "belly to belly". She then goes up to someone and has them lift their shirt and touch belly's. It is soooo funny to watch her do that to people who don't know why she is lifting their shirt for them. She also goes around the house doing "belly to belly" to the bookshelf or the couch. Hilarious!

She is such a goof, always trying to climb into the washer.

Do my shoes match my outfit?

Being pushed around in her laundry basket while pushing the button on her lantern.

New favorite coloring spot...

Helping to water the new grass

 Reading a magazine, texting, doing some work on the computer and eating breakfast. All in a days work of a busy 18 month old!
 She loves to play in the car (with Millie) and does not want me in the car while doing it. She climbs from seat to seat and looks out the window. Hilarious!!

"Helping" me fold her laundry with her in the basket, makes the task so much easier...

If you know anything about Lexi it is her LOVE for water! (girl after my own heart)
She drinks more water than your average toddler and loves drinking it out of our cups as well. This particular night she drank almost a full glass, Frank and I were amazed at how much water her little body could handle...

 She also loves to hand us little cups or bowls and yell, "agua" until we fill it up. If we don't respond fast enough she tosses the little cup or bowl onto the ledge of the water dispenser from the fridge and waits for us to get it.
She is such a snuggler in the morning, Millie-her blanky-Mickey or Pooh and she is happy as can be!

 Showing me her reading skills...

Rainy days mean lots of play in the garage

 WOW! She is quite the little artist at 18 months old, who knew she could already draw Elmo...
 How did we get so lucky with such a happy kid!

Like every month this one has flown by, I still am in shock when I look at her sometimes and realize she is growing up way too fast. The baby phase goes by in the blink of an eye and a toddler transforms in front of you.

Things we love about you at 18 months.
-You are so silly! 
-You copy everything we say and our actions as well. 
-You sing "Rain, Rain go away" in the funniest little voice.
-You say "poops" almost every time you go poop to let us know you need a diaper change (potty training might be in our near future...)
-You want to hold everything! You reach out your little hands and say "hold it" until we give the item to you.
The list could go on forever because you are changing so quickly and everything new cracks us up. We love you!