About me

I am blessed to be a wife to a wonderful husband that can fix, build or put together anything. Not only is he the handiest of all men but he is the best dad a kid could ask for! Being a mom to such a sweet and silly toddler has been the biggest blessing and challenge. She teaches me patience and shows me the joy and curiosity in the little things of life. And now we have a beautiful new baby in our life, Reina. She is the perfect addition to our little family.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sad goodbyes and other summer fun!

Lexi suffered her 1st great loss in life this past month...We said goodbye to our friends Emily, Paul and Wilder. We met them a year ago and since then had gotten together at least once a week. Our favorite times were our weekly library trips. Lex still asks for "wy-wy" almost daily since they moved and it breaks my heart every time! Here are the last of the pictures we have of our last couple play dates with them. They were so funny together so it will be sad to not have future pics with Wilder until we make a trip out to Tennesse to visit. 

Not sure why they are both frozen...

Saying their good-bye with a kiss and a hug

They are both making such funny faces. Wilder is giving the stink eye with his funny outfit and one pink boot, while Lex has scary eyes (also one shoe on) and scrunched up lips. Too funny!

She is such a good helper!! 
She is amazing at following directions and entertaining herself when needed.
She took all my salad scraps when I was prepping for dinner and had a blast building volcanos.

These two are such trouble!! Frank loves to teach her to bad habits, like opening her mouth to show chewed up food. Super gross but funny! One of their favorite things to do is sit at the table and eat cereal together, she loves sitting in a big chair next to daddy. 

Helping daddy plant the new flowers.

Watering her tree, we planted it her 1st Christmas and it is so awesome to watch it grow. 

Busy transferring water from a bowl to a pot with a sponge. Kind of a disaster and a mess but she had a great time. 

Apparently she was expecting a lot of friends over for a play date...

Hanging out with Alex, they were hilarious chasing each other around. They took a few minutes to have a snack break.

Lol!! Nothing else can be said for this photo.

How old is she?!


More kisses

She loves the water and LOVES to wear daddy's hat.

These two are hilarious and carry on full conversations with each other, so funny to watch!

Riding the train (tway-ne, as Lexi calls it), carousel, and butterfly trains. 

Lils is flying!

Back to the pool!

Just like her mommy she loves frozen yogurt! She was a sticky chocolatey mess but loved every minute of it.

Showing us how much they love us :) 
Love those smiles!!

We just love this little almost 2 year old (seriously 2?! How did this happen?!) to death!! She is hilarious and is non-stop commentary. She is a little copy cat, you can not say or do anything around her without her saying it right back to you or imitating your action. 
Next month will be full of great pictures of Lils and Lex birthday party! Stay tuned!!